Monday: Since Monday is a holiday and we can get an early start on this one (it takes a while), T is going to make some Scalloped Potatoes with Ham and we'll use up the last of the green beans (which must have been exceptionally fresh, because they kept a considerable time).
Tuesday: I've had a craving for Tortellini Florentine Soup, so I will whip some up, and we'll round it out with some warm bread and a salad.
Wednesday: T will pop some burgers on the grill, while I pop some tater tots in the oven.
Thursday: Sandwich night! BLTs are always a favorite.
Friday: T suggested Slow-Cooker Stuffed Cabbage, so he will get that started in the morning, before work, and it will bubble away all day in the Crock Pot while we work.
Saturday: I think we will roast up a whole chicken, with some carrots and some boiled potatoes (with some butter and a dash of salt) on the side.
Sunday: We're going to play Leftover Roulette. As in: if we have any, we'll eat them. If not, we will fly by the seats of our pants.
Notes from last week's menu: Well, actually, that would be the menu from two weeks ago. Last week, I was visiting Nichole and Daniel in California, so I didn't have a menu. Regardless, we followed the menu with only some minor tweaks. Wednesday's chicken was marinated in the garlic & herb marinade. Thursday, we substituted steamed fresh green beans for the french-cut version, since we had a two-pound bag of them for Christmas dinner and no need for that many. Friday's squash was yellow Summer squash. And for Christmas dinner, T decided on Bacon-Wrapped Green Beans.
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