**I Want a better way to store spices in my cabinets. This is a common gripe heard around our home. While lack of kitchen real estate is part of the issue, a whole mess of tiny little bottles not designed to work together (even if you purchase only one brand) (which I don't) just isn't conducive to even organized chaos on that shelf, no matter how much space you have for storage. You have to pull a minimum of two-thirds the contents out to find anything and inevitably half a dozen fall over. I have been stockpiling possible spice storage ideas over on Pinterest, but I can't help but feel no matter what system we end up implementing in our eventual house, the Interlocking SpiceCare System would make it even better!

**When I was catching up on some of Rachael Ray's shows that the DVR caught while I was on vacation, I decided I Want to try a Brachetto d"Acqui Rosa Regale. I am so intrigued by a sparkling *red* wine...especially if it tastes like berries!

**I Want to create some kind of New Year's Eve and New Year's Day traditions for us. We don't go out for New Year, so our "celebrations" are pretty, well, non-existent. I don't know if it will be a special meal or some kind of "thing" we do or what, but I feel like they need *something*...
**While I am not afraid to wear a little color on my eyes (I have a silvery-blue and a navy that I love to pair together!), I am a big fan of shades of grey-silver, bronze or brown most days. (I like the way those colors work with my blue eyes. What can I say?) I have been very good about using what I've collected (some of it was unopened for quite a while even, I had such a stash of eye shadow), my selections of these colors are starting to run dangerously low. As soon as I saw the Urban Decay Naked2 palette, I Wanted it. Badly.

**I've had my lunch bag for about three or four years now. It's still serviceable but the day is coming that it will need to be retired. I've been trying to consider what I Want for its replacement, when the time comes, and I am thinking that the Rachael Ray 2-in-1 Hobo Tote might just be it.

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