**I Want to test drive some new flatware. We have two (possibly three, maybe even four?) assorted sets, between the two of us, and none of them feel quite...right. It needs to be sturdy without being ugly. It needs to feel right in my hand (and T's). It needs to not cost a fortune (though I am willing to spend a little more on something that will last) and it needs to not be high maintenance (read: dishwasher safe is a must). And there need to be enough pieces to it--in other words, not just the place settings, but serving utensils as well, would be a nice plus.

**I have a thing for seasonally appropriate dishes. It's kind of impractical, really. Who needs that many dishes that should only be used for a few weeks each year? Although I have to admit that I have a stack of dishes in my cabinet right now, some with an autumn leaf impression, others with snowflakes, and we use them all year. And I am short one now, thanks to an oops by T about which I still tease him from time to time. So maybe it isn't *that* frivolous that I Want a couple of these Sweet Heart Plates from Crate & Barrel?

**For a while now, I have been trying to find dryer balls without much success. I Want to order a pair of these. Soon...

**I Want to know how it is possible that I missed that Method had Candy Cane scented dish soap! T prefers Dawn (awww! heh,), and even though I like Method, I am willing to compromise. So maybe he would have made a Christmas time exception for me? I suppose it doesn't matter now though.

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