It was my turn to suggest a prompt for our collaborative blog project. I was looking for some inspiration and, while wandering the internet, I happened upon the blog by the Smithsonian National Museum of American History where they had just done post about an activity called "Who are you? In 5 objects." I immediately wanted to do one for myself and realized it would be a lot of fun to use this as my suggestion for our "Girl on the Other Coast" series!
Are you ready for G in 5 objects?
So here we go!
I sang for 8 years. As I got better, I auditioned and successfully made it into progressively harder choir groups. I've done small groups, duets, solos. I've sung at school, in church, and on stage. I've been led by choir teachers and famous directors. I've sung with full orchestras, small instrumental groups, piano, and a cappella (which is my very favorite). Now I sing in the shower. When I began teaching I didn't have time to devote to singing. (Prior to a performance we would rehearse 9+ hours a week.) I truly miss it and would love to get into it again.
I {used to} scrapbook. This is another favorite hobby that has fallen by the wayside since I started teaching. I vow to get back into this because I used to really enjoy it. There's something about putting pictures on pretty paper and recording your thoughts that is therapeutic and gratifying. And really? How cute are the supplies?! (Thank you Amy Tangerine!)
Although there are good days and bad days, I couldn't imagine myself doing anything other than teaching. Even if I won the lottery and didn't have to have a job I would still teach. It's a part of me and I take great pride in my profession. I work incredibly hard to be the very best I can be for my students. I teach biology, but it's so much more than that. I listen to them when they are upset. I am their confidant. I support them. I attend their games. I help plan their events. I laugh with them and I cry with them. And then I lead them into their graduation ceremony and applaud their achievements and all that their future has to hold. I want to be the one they remember. The one who helped them on their journey...and taught them some science along the way.
He helps make me who I am. I don't know where I'd be without his love and support. When our friends introduced us they knew that we would help each other grow. He builds me up and makes me want to be a better person. And I do the same for him. (And he would tell you if he could!)
Well...I'm Italian! And this is my favorite pasta. Cliche? Possibly. But it's true.
I absolutely love my heritage. Being Italian is who I am. And Italy is my home. It's in my heart, always. The country is gorgeous, the people are passionate, and the food is amazing. I only wish my family didn't live so far away.
Curious what my objects were? (Humor me. Pretend you're curious.) Take a virtual voyage to Little Italy and find out!
(edit to add mine)

Dawn in five objects, huh? This took some consideration. I know who I am in nouns and adjectives, but I don't think I've ever tried to define myself in objects. Which five objects can encapsulate who I am?
1. My engagement and wedding rings. (Ok, so, I suppose that's two objects, but I wear them together and they symbolize the same thing, so we're counting them as one.) Two weeks ago, I made promises to an amazing man. Those rings are visual reminders of those promises, of our love and commitment, of emotional safety and the source of great joy. They remind me of the road I took to get to this place, and like both the promises made and the man I made them to, they are precious to me. They define me as a wife, his chosen.
2. A Boston Red Sox ticket. What now? A ticket to a baseball game? Let's just say that from mid-February through late September (sometimes even longer, when I'm extra lucky), there is rarely a Red Sox game that I miss, whether I am watching on television, listening to a radio broadcast online, or begging friends for game updates via text. I have formed friendships through our common fandom. And I have had the amazing opportunity to visit Fenway Park, the cathedral of my "other love," with a couple of my dearest friends a couple of years ago. I saved that ticket. I use it as a bookmark. Every time I see it, I have great memories of that day, but more than that, I smile at the fact that I am a third generation Sox fan.
3. My camera. I am by no means a professional nor do I wish to be. But I love my camera. I love playing with it, learning about it, and, most of all, capturing people I love and memories I make. Some of my most prized possessions came from cameras. Not just this one, but ones I've grown out of, ones that were held in the hands of my father, my grandparents, and long ago relatives I never had the chance to meet. I get the gift of seeing through their eyes. No one is ever surprised to see me pull out my camera.
4. Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged." This one is multi-faceted symbol. I am a reader. I taught myself to read before I started kindergarten. I enjoy reading: books, magazines, blogs. I read every day. This is also my favorite book. I read it last year and it...taught what I already knew about myself, but never had the words to articulate. It is also a political and financial ideology I personally embrace. Yes, this book captures many pieces of who I am.
5. My Disney World Annual Pass. When I moved to Florida not quite eleven years ago, I had never been to any Disney park. Not long afterward, I had my introduction to the magic. I got my first annual pass and I've never not had one since. I've easily been in the parks somewhere in the ballpark of 200 times since that first day. I never tire of it. It is my happy place. When all else fails, when I am sad or discouraged or can't shake myself out of a funk, I can escape into the "Disney bubble, " and somehow I can sort myself back out.
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