A moment of down time before the whirlwind began...
1) Candle scents this month:
Coconut Bay. Grapevine & Oak. Seaside Holiday. Mango Peach Salsa. Sun and Sand.
2) What I am reading this month:
I am a little bit further in Knuckler: My Life with Baseball's Most Confounding Pitch (Tim Wakefield with Tony Massarotti), but I didn't have much time to read this month and I had a handful of library books that would be coming due, so I focused mainly on those. I finished Homicide in Hardcover (Kate Carlisle), which I enjoyed quite a bit. It is set in San Francisco, which is a fun personal twist, so close to my vacation there in August, because the trip is still fresh enough in my mind for me to remember and picture many of the places she talks about easily. I look forward to reading more of this series. I re-borrowed The Murderer's Daughters (Randy Susan Meyers) so that I could finally finish it. I just wasn't that thrilled with this story. The blurb sounded so promising, but the story just fell flat for me. I felt like it had no purpose and that even though I spent many pages with these characters, they remained standoffish. The author has a new book coming out early next year, and I will give her another try before I decide it was the author and not just a particular story that didn't work for me. I am nearly done with the second book of the Marjorie McLelland Mystery series, Ghost of a Chance (Amy Patricia Meade) and enjoying it quite a bit. I can't wait to see how it unwinds in the final few chapters!
3) Top three songs I was drawn to:
"I Won't Give Up" by Jason Mraz. "In the Shape of Us," by Ian Britt. "Canon in D," by Pachelbel - had to figure out the timing of the processional!
4) Movies I saw:
Red - We saw this when it was still in the theater. It was crazy and funny (and violent!) then, and it was this time too.
5) Favorite tv moments of the month:
The DVR is fit to explode! I haven't watched much of anything not sports related this month, but I foresee some great tv moments coming soon!
6) New recipe tried this month OR Something yummy I made:
Excuse me while I laugh at either of these being a remote possibility while in the throes of final wedding planning.
7) Restaurants where I ate:
Olive Garden.
8) Five things I am loving this month:
1. Crossing items off a To Do List.
2. Finally finding the shade of fuchsia nail polish I have been seeking for at least three years. I wanted a bright pink that wasn't a "solid creamy" color (I love that look on others but don't on myself, so I look for polishes that have a pearlized, metallic or glittery look) but doesn't scream BARBIE DOLL!! You would not think it would prove to be such a harrowing mission.
3. New television is back!!
4. Diamond Dust eye shadow. Because sometimes a girl just needs a little sparkle.
5. Obviously. Wedding.
9) A goal I had for this month:
Make it to my wedding day in one piece, mentally.
10) This month I looked forward to:
So many people I love in one place, celebrating with T and me.
11) Something I want to remember about this month:
How it felt to promise him myself.
12) A photo I took this month:

Loved my flowers so much!
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