Monday: We have a stash of Barber frozen stuffed chicken breasts. We'll pop a couple of those in the oven, whip up some white rice with gravy (there's a little chicken stock in the refrigerator that needs to be used up), and round it out with a salad.
Tuesday: We have an appointment right after work, so we needed something simple for dinner. Spaghetti and meatballs will pull together easily. Pop some garlic bread in the oven. Eat up some more of that salad from the night before. Dinner should be ready in no time!
Wednesday: T will grill up some brats. We have some sauerkraut in the refrigerator to use.
Thursday: There are some tortillas already open from last week, so we'll use them up making some Chipotle Chicken Quesadillas.
Friday: The owner of the the company I work for is taking the office staff (plus significant others) out for dinner for Christmas!
Saturday: Maybe we'll have leftovers. Maybe we won't have any left and we'll have to fly by the seat of our pants.
Sunday: We have a bunch of stuff in the freezer and the pantry. We'll cobble something together, I'm sure.
Notes from last week's menu: Last week was a little crazy and I never got a menu posted. I wish I could tell you I even remember everything I ate last week, but I've been racing through Christmas preparations so that packages could get mailed out in time. I know we had BLTs one day. Friday was the company Christmas party. Saturday, I was at EPCOT; I had a slice of pizza at Via Napoli in Italy. Sundat, T grilled up some chicken for wraps. I think Monday was fettuccine alfredo with chicken and broccoli? Yeah. Crazy.
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