**While we're talking about unrealistic wants, something on my "I Want" list for quite a while now is a mortar and pestle. This one is...not inexpensive. But I've looked at the cheaper ones and I remain unimpressed. Therefore, I also remain mortar-and-pestle-less.

**I have zero kitchen real estate left for important things, never mind something *so* frivolous, but how cute are these hot dog plates?? I hate when my hot dog tips over and either leans in my potato salad or falls out of the bun all over my potato chips. This would solve that issue. Plus, so cute! I can't help it. I Want.

**I Want this Half Pint Garden!! Then again, I also want enough natural light in my home not to kill it.

**Falling somewhere between frivolous (because I have been using clear plastic Gladware for years and it's worked just fine) (also, remember, kitchen real estate is currently at a premium) and somewhat realistic and useful is this Homemade Cookie Jar. As I said, I by no means need it, but do I Want somewhere cute to store the cookies I bake? Why yes, yes I do.

**My one completely serious item this week (I'm serious about the others, but expectations are nearly nil) is a real ice cream scoop. I Want one that will eliminate me needing to leave the ice cream on the counter until it gets soft enough to scoop with one of my cheap regular spoons without bending the darn thing, because letting it melt and then refreezing it just messes with the quality of my ice cream, and I take my icea cream *very* *seriously*, friends.

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