**(How I Met Your Mother, S9E1 "The Locket," S9E2 "Coming Back") The Mother, The Mother, The Mother! I love her addition to the show! She fit in seamlessly with Lily when they met on the train. I think she is adorable. And that "flash-forward" scene, showing her and Ted a year later and back in the lounge at the hotel where Robin and Barney are having their wedding, finally together was so darn *sweet*. ::happy sigh::
**(Unforgettable, S2E7 "Maps and Legends") The sniping between Eliot and Jo is awesome. Conflict didn't work between Carrie and Al last season; they're far more suited to casual flirtation.
**(Mom, S1E1 "Pilot") I really like Nathan Corddry. So I kind of hope he's a nicer guy than he came off in the pilot.
**(The Middle, S5E1 "The Dropoff") Bed Bath and Between. HA!! This show always comes up with the greatest "alternative names" for places. Also, Axl's palm tree and sand? Nailed it.
**(Chicago Fire, S2E1 "A Problem House") I can't think of a more appropriate title for an episode of this show about the firehouse version of Seattle Grace/Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. Seriously. Now they/Severide are being targeted by a serial arsonist, while the house is on the brink of being shut down *and* there's a mole lurking? Not to mention that Severide may be tricked into thinking a baby is his that isn't, leaving Shay out in the cold for a baby of her own; Dawson *still* can't seem to decide between Mills and Casey; Casey is caught up with the widow of a fallen fire fighter who just got arrested for drunk driving; and Mouch is going to run for Union President. *Way* too much workplace drama...unless you work for a problem house.
**(CSI, S14E1 "The Devil and D.B. Russell") Fourteen seasons in and this show still makes me gasp when it's on track. Never suspected Ellie, so when she shot Morgan, my mouth hung open.

**(Last Man Standing, S3E1 "Back to School") Kristin and Ryan are back. And still annoying.
**(Low Winter Sun, S1E3 "No Rounds") I could have really used a violence warning on that opening scene when they cut (no pun intended) directly to that guy's foot getting sawed off. Sheesh. You have to prepare a girl for that sort of thing!
**(Dexter) It is really difficult to avoid series finale spoilers when you've only seen the first five episodes of the final season and you won't get to finish it until after Christmas. I can't reasonably expect people who've watched not to discuss it, but what about some spoiler warnings!

**(Low Winter Sun) Why doesn't anyone question just how much time Frank and Joe spend in the bathroom with the door locked, considering how much suspicion is on Joe in this IA investigation?
**(The Bridge, S1E11) How does Ray Childress manage to not get himself killed? He keeps making supremely stupid decisions -- like poking around the executed people in a drug dealers' den instead of getting the heck out of there in double time -- and yet, somehow, he remains alive.
**(The Big Bang Theory, S7E1 "The Hofstadter Insufficiency") Why do I always fall for Sheldon's dreams? ::smacks forehead:: A Kraken.
**(The Middle, S5E1 "The Dropoff") How much do you suppose the actor playing "Kenny the roommate" got for that performance in which we never heard a sound, other than computer noises, or saw his face? Do you suppose that was actually a human being or just some sort of prop?
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