Hooligans in the Trevi Fountain in the Italy pavilion at Epcot!
1) Candle scents* this month:
Blueberry Scone. Clean Cotton. Bunny Cake. Vanilla Cupcake. Meadow Showers. Midnight Jasmine.
2) What I am reading this month (you can find me on Goodreads!):
In case you didn't count ahead in great anticipation, I read *five* books in May! That puts me a whopping two books *ahead* of target for my 2013 reading challenge! Go me! I started by finishing up Formula for Murder (Diana Orgain) - Quick and easy, but I had no idea who the culprit was until the reveal, although it made total sense in retrospect. This was the most recently published book in this series. I hope there will be more at some point. Chocolate Chip Cookie Murder (Joanna Fluke) - This was a new-to-me series. Definitely of the "cozy mystery" genre. I like the main characters and cozy mysteries are fun and light to read. I like when I have a enough information to guess the "who" but not the "why." This one delivered. There was also a bonus novella included. A bit sappy but, since the series is new for me, I liked the extra opportunity to get further acquainted with the recurring characters. Blockade Billy (Stephen King) - This one was loaned to me from one of my friends. It was definitely dark (which I expected, given the author), but not especially creepy. The bonus novella, "Morality," was little disturbing though, at least for my tastes. Murder Under Cover (Kate Carlisle) - Probably one of my favorite cozy mystery series and this one was my favorite yet! I didn't want to put it down the whole time. Shadow Waltz (Amy Patricia Meade) - The third in, what appears to be, a four-book mystery series. These are light and fun, set during The Great Depression, and the characters make me laugh. I am looking forward to the next book, but sad, knowing it will be the final one. And sneaking in just under the wire, started in the dwindling minutes of May 31, Murder on Capitol Hill (Margaret Truman) - This is the second of her murder mystery series set in the country's capitol, but that's as much as I can share, since I am only a couple of chapters in.
3) Three things on my mind:
1. This quote is resonating with me: "As a mom, it is critical that I teach them both the value of balance and that relationships come first." (from Top of the Page "Teachable Moment: Staying Connected") I'm not a mom, but I couldn't agree more with her belief that it is important to learn young about balancing the commitments in your life with downtime, work and play, activity and calm, and that above all, your relationships must come first, because they require work and attention and dedication--and there must be balance within them as well, time to think of yourself and time to think outside yourself to the needs of the other person.
2. Friendship. What it takes and what to do when friends disappoint you.
3. Donuts. (Hey, they can't all be deep and meaningful thoughts!)
4) Movies I saw:
No movies. Red Sox games and backlogged DVR.
5) Calendar image for the month:
I can almost feel the cool spring breeze gently moving through the flowering trees.
There is just nothing about Fenway that doesn't make me happy. This calendar was a great idea.
6) New recipes tried this month:
Chicken Parmesan. Fresh Basil Pesto. Capellini Pomodoro with Sausage. Roasted Parmesan Cauliflower (needs tweaking). Italian Crockpot Chicken with Noodles (too bland, not a keeper). Seafood Chowder (this was rich and very seafood-y; we agreed that it was a once-every-six-months-to-a-year sort of meal).
7) Restaurants where I ate:
Bob Evans - we went out for breakfast once this month. That's it.
8) Five things I am loving this month:
1. Realizing how much I had missed reading. I'm so glad I challenged myself to get back to doing so regularly!
2. Now that we're a couple months into the season, I can officially say I am thrilled with the free agent signings the Red Sox made during the off season (Mike Napoli, Stephen Drew, Joel Hanrahan, Mike Carp, Shane Victorino, David Ross, Johnny Gomes, Ryan Dempster). It's been a long, long time since I could say that across the board!
3. Twitter conversations with Chele regarding our mutual (and clearly undying) love of the television show "Friends."
4. I put a pop-up reminder on my work computer to get up once an hour. It's way too easy to find yourself sitting from clock-in til clock-out when you have a desk job. getting up and moving around, or even just standing at my desk while I work, makes a huge difference in how sleepy I feel as the work day goes along, especially in my post-lunch haze (the natural low-point in my energy level).
5. We're starting to get into Florida's rainy season which means we get to shut off the sprinklers sometimes! I bet by mid June we will have them off more than they are on! (We are allowed to water our lawns/landscaping twice per week and given how warm we get here, the green things require it, especially during the dry season.)
9) Three goals I had this month and three goals for next month:
2. Scan 25 more old photos. (None. ::sigh::)
1. Go through all the July issues of my magazines as they come in and get at least five old issues from Tha Stack into recycling.
2. Get caught up on the DVR.
3. Make something using my lovely KitchenAid mixer! I see her sitting there, in all her cherry red glory. She needs her maiden voyage!
10) This month I looked forward to:
Honestly? Having it end. May 2013 kicked my butt, emotionally.
11) Something I want to be thankful for this month:
A husband who listens to me, who takes care of me, who makes me laugh and feel loved.
12) A photo I took this month:
Technically perfect? No. Makes me laugh? Absolutely. There isn't a more perfect representation of the silliness that goes on inside our house almost every day.
*All scents are Yankee Candle, unless otherwise noted.
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