**The scene between Meredith and Derek's sister, when Mer lets down her guard and shares the ultrasound photo with her. Tugged at the old heartstrings in a way this show hasn't in quite some time. (Grey's Anatomy, ep 9)
**They really nailed what I would have imagined a young Carrie Bradshaw to sound like on The Carrie Diaries.
**The dynamic between Roxanne and Mark (Whitney). I *never* thought I would say that!
**The addition of Moriarty to Elementary. The show needed a nemesis, some backstory and a long-term arc.
**Mr Finch's ability to create a whole person from nothing online is nothing short of impressive! (Person of Interest)
**It is always snowing on every episode I've ever watched of Mike and Molly. (Full disclosure: We've really only been "officially watching" for three whole episodes, so this observation comes from a smattering of random episodes I've caught over time.)
**Dallas has started Season 2, and brings with it my favorite television theme music of all time.
**If Fitz and Liv have a chemistry that makes my television screen sizzle, then Mellie and Fitz have an equal but opposite sort of chemistry. You can almost feel the cold anger in the room with you while you watch them interact. Seems like a strange thing to love, I suppose, but it sure makes for compelling tv watching! (Scandal)

**Skip on 1600 Penn. I cannot think of a character I currently dislike more.
**I'm sorry that Stefan was told to pack his knives and go (Top Chef). He is plenty arrogant but he also has a sweet side at times and I really appreciated that he made no excuses nor did he shrug off getting sent home (or to Last Chance Kitchen as the case may be). He made it clear that he is disappointed because he wanted to win and if his disappointment wasn't genuine (without being whiny), I don't know what is.
**You know what? We're done with 1600 Penn. Just can't do it.
**Robin Daggers. (How I Met Your Mother, ep 15). *What* was *that* all about?
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