On our last day in the northeast, we had some time between when we checked out of the timeshare and when we needed to be at the airport. We decided to stop along the way at the Yankee Candle flagship store (I didn't buy any candles since I would have had to figure out how to then transport them on the plane when our luggage was already packed, but I did get to sniff all the new scents so I know which I like when I buy online!) and after we browsed and ate lunch, my mom wanted to bring us to a place called "Magic Wings" to see the butterflies. They were beautiful and amazing, but I spent the majority of the hour we were there on a mission to get a photo of this one type of blue butterfly. The challenge: they never seem to stop MOVING. And when they finally land somewhere, they close up their wings so you can only see the outside/bottoms of them which are *not* blue.
But I was determined to get a good shot.

I am certain I looked like a lunatic...

...chasing the butterflies around with my camera...

...getting photos that were blurry or over/under exposed, as they darted from light into shadow.

Trying to time my finger to the unpredictable flapping of a resting butterfly.

But even though it isn't perfect, I finally felt victorious.
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