Monday: Grilled cheese & tomato sandwich.
Tuesday: Pizza.
Wednesday: Pasta salad.
Thursday: Something at WDW.
Friday: (new recipe!) Sweet Corn Quesadillas.
Saturday: (new recipe!) Chicken Florentine Pesto Pasta.
Sunday: Leftovers.
Notes from last week's menu: The Cheesy Bacon Chicken casserole was good (I have to record the recipe still; can't link to it) but more of an "occasional" meal than one that will become a staple, I think. Thursdays steaks ended up having some grape tomatoes added to the plate; there were just a few left in the container & rather than allow them to go to waste, we skewered them & stuck them right on the grill. They were super sweet& so tasty! Saturday's dinner wasn't leftovers after all; I ate at the baby shower I attended. And by Sunday's dinner, I was over all the leftovers, so I made a Chilled Tomato Basil Soup. It was perfect because it's been so hot here & it was nice & refreshing. However, I didn't like it as much icy cold, straight from the refrigerator, so I popped it in the microwave for about 25 seconds, which was just enough to take the chill off but it was still definitely cooler than room temperature. The flavors were really nice & I could taste them so much better when the soup wasn't really cold.
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