1. Started your own blog - Fairly obvious, no?
2. Slept under the stars - I am so NOT an outdoorsy sort of girl. I like my bed. And my creature comforts. And a lack of bugs.
3. Played in a band - I was in band from fourth grade til I graduated high school. Does that count?
4. Visited Hawaii - I would *love* to. It's on my Bucket List.
5. Watched a meteor shower - I have but the visibility wasn't the best. I'd love to see one on a clear night in an open area.
6. Given more than you can afford to charity - I try not to do anything "more than I can afford." Makes me anxious.
7. Been to Disney World - The question isn't have I been to Disney World. It's how many times? (I've lost count.)
8. Climbed a mountain - I'm not really compelled to even consider this.
9. Held a praying mantis - I have observed a praying mantis. I was not so much inclined to touch him, though. We regarded each other with curiosity from a respectable distance.
10. Sang a solo - Not. A. Chance.
11. Bungee jumped - Even less of a chance than me singing a solo.
12. Visited Paris - There are so many other places I would rather see.
13. Watched a lightning storm - Many many times. They are practically a daily occurrence here in the Summer. And when they take out your electricity, there aren't many other options. Especially at night.
14. Taught yourself an art from scratch - I don't think I have...
15. Adopted a child - I have not. I think it's an amazing thing to do though.
16. Had food poisoning - Indeed. I probably don't need to elaborate.
17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty - I've seen it from a distance, years ago. I don't think they let you climb to the top anymore, though.
18. Grown your own vegetables - More like I helped my Gramp grow vegetables, back in the day. I'd like to attempt it on my own.
19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France - Nope. Sometimes I think true appreciation of that type of art is lost on me.
20. Slept on an overnight train - The only trains I have ever been on are the ones found in Disney parks. Or the subway type found in big cities.
21. Had a pillow fight - One may or may not have taken place on the eve of Alison's wedding. I'll never tell.
22. Hitch hiked - There is NO way.
23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill - I have, on rare occasion. I try not to very often, because I feel like it tempts fate & I really don't like to not feel well.
24. Built a snow fort - It left a lot to be desired (some are mighty impressive!) but I think all kids from New England build snow forts & snowmen at some point.
25. Held a lamb - At Camp Koinonia in the fifth or sixth grade! His name was Myogi. I don't recall if he was all that thrilled about it.
26. Gone skinny dipping - I am not that girl.
27. Run a Marathon - I'm not this girl either.
28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice - The only times I've been out of the country, I went to Canada.
29. Seen a total eclipse - I can't bold this one because while I have seen eclipses, I don't know if they were *total* eclipses.
30. Watched a sunrise or sunset - Both. Many times. One of my very favorite things.
31. Hit a home run - I have watched many of them. I have a better shot at buying a winning lottery ticket than hitting one myself. I am probably the least athletic human being alive.
32. Been on a cruise - I go back & forth on this one. Wanting to, I mean. I would be a wreck if we hit rough waters (my stomach does not agree with that kind of choppy activity--plus, have you not seen the video coverage on the news or YouTube?? terrifying!) & every time I think I might consider it one day, some cruise ship breaks down out at sea, leaving the passengers with no running water or electricity for several days while awaiting rescue, or there is some massive gastrointestinal plague that hits the entire ship... I am so ambivalent.
33. Seen Niagara Falls in person - From the Canadian side. (See Number 28.)
34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors - Only the ancestors I actually knew. Which I am thinking is probably not what this means.
35. Seen an Amish community - Not in person.
36. Taught yourself a new language - Taught myself?? No.
37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied - Financial satisfaction is a state of mind, I think. I can live comfortably within the means I have. For me, that equates to being "truly satisfied." The rest is bonus.
38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person - Not unless it can be found in the top two-thirds of North America. ;-)
39. Gone rock climbing - No thanks.
40. Seen Michelangelo’s David - Now *this* I could appreciate.
41. Sung karaoke - The only places I sing are a) alone in my car, b) in church and c) when I'm being goofy at home (lucky Troy).
42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt - No but I wouldn't mind at some point, if the opportunity arose.
43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant - Not a meal. I did pay for the two people behind me in a Dunkin Donuts a few times though.
44. Visited Africa - This is just so totally NOT my scene. Unless you mean at Disney's Animal Kingdom.
45. Walked on a beach by moonlight - Walked on a beach. Walked by moonlight. But never on a beach by moonlight.
46. Been transported in an ambulance - I am thankful there has never been a reason to be.
47. Had your portrait painted - Chalked. Drawn with marker. Not actually *painted* though.
48. Gone deep sea fishing - Nah. Not interested.
50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris - I refer you back to Number 12.
51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling - I am more of a walk-on-the-beach girl.
52. Kissed in the rain - Not like in the movies or anything.
53. Played in the mud - Ew. Why would I want to do that?
54. Gone to a drive-in theater - Can you believe I've *never* been to one??
55. Been in a movie - Uh, no.
56. Visited the Great Wall of China - Only in the movie in the China pavilion at Epcot.
57. Started a business - I wouldn't even know where to begin!
58. Taken a martial arts class - Too much physical contact for me. Also? I am a baby about pain.
59. Visited Russia - I really think I am more of a "visit through the photos of others" type girl. I feel like I should *want* to say "ohmigosh, I WISH!!" but I really just... ::shrug::
60. Served at a soup kitchen - I have donated goods many times.
61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies - I *purchase* Girl Scout Cookies. Yum.
62. Gone whale watching - Once. We never saw any. I've never had the desire to go again.
63. Got flowers for no reason - Yes, on rare enough occasion that it makes receiving them truly special.
64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma - Only to my doctors when they demand it. ;-)
65. Gone sky diving - This is on par with Number 11.
66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp - Oh...um...no.
67. Bounced a check - Completely on my own, not since I was a much younger girl. Lesson was learned. In a joint account over which I had, at most, fifty percent control? I'd rather not go into detail. We will say with certainty, barring some extreme circumstances, I do not ever expect that to happen again.
68. Flown in a helicopter - Plenty of (large) planes. No helicopters.
69. Saved a favorite childhood toy - Yes. I have a Cabbage Patch Kid tucked safely away in a box.
70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial - I was too young to appreciate it. I want to go back. Very badly.
71. Eaten Caviar - Not a fan. A bit too salty for my palette & the texture was...weird.
72. Pieced a quilt - I would love to learn!
73. Stood in Times Square - More than once. I guess I wasn't all that impressed?
74. Toured the Everglades - There are bugs & gators & enormous snakes in there! ::shudder::
75. Been fired from a job - Yes. By a crazy boss. Even the guy who followed up on my unemployment claim thought so.
76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London - No. But I've seen the changing of the guard at Arlington. Another thing I would like to witness again, this time through the eyes of an adult.
77. Broken a bone - I don't believe so. I think they were all just bad strains or sprains.
78. Been a passenger on a motorcycle - Motorcycles frighten me.
79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person - Only from an airplane. It was covered in snow & so unbelievably beautiful. Maybe one day from the ground.
80. Published a book - So many seem to have this dream. I will leave the publishing to my brother and sister-in-law.
81. Visited the Vatican - Boy, this thing keeps insisting I may have left North America at some point.
82. Bought a brand new car - Bought once. Leased once. The current one is a purchased pre-owned.
83. Walked in Jerusalem - I honestly think I would be too worried about my safety to fully take it all in.
84. Had your picture in the newspaper - Taken with my Gramp when I was maybe 7 or 8, helping him at the farmers market.
85. Kissed a stranger at midnight on New Year’s Eve - I don't even want a stranger to get too far into my personal space. Interpret that as you will.
86. Visited the White House - We only saw it from the outside.
87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating - I am a big fan of eating meat. I am not a big fan of actually seeing where it came from or how it arrived on my plate.
88. Had chickenpox - I was in the eighth grade. I had a terrible case. I have the scars to prove it. Incidentally, my brother gave it to me. I think he had a half dozen pox over a long weekend. I missed two weeks of school. Brat.
89. Saved someone’s life - Not that I am aware of.
90. Sat on a jury - I have. It was an intriguing, humbling experience I think everyone should have.
91. Met someone famous - I talked to an honest-to-God primetime television actor on the phone once, and not only was I unimpressed, I totally thought he was making it up. (He wasn't.)
92. Joined a book club - I don't read well under pressure. The second I "have" to read something, I lose interest.
93. Got a tattoo - I'll pass. (Remember what I said about pain & being a baby?)
94. Had a baby - Perhaps one day...
95. Seen the Alamo in person - No! But I would love to!
96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake - To give you an idea: I just curled my lip at the thought of it.
97. Been involved in a law suit - Thankfully, no.
98. Owned a cell phone - I've owned several.
99. Been stung by a bee - Not just once, but twice! On the same foot! I was standing at the edge of the garden, talking to Gramp. It was Summer. I was barefoot. There was clover all over the place on my grandparents' property. Honey bees *love* clover. I stepped out of the dirt & into the grass...and onto a bee, who promptly stung me. (I can't blame him.) I jumped off him. I landed on another. (He wasn't any more pleased than the first one.) I also was bitten on the elbow once by a wasp. I didn't even do anything to him. I was eating my dinner at the dining room table & minding my own business. He crawled right up & stung me. Meanie.
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